Go hiking along the path of Anshi 安溪小徑漫步Go hiking along with 居酒屋the path of Anshi Go hiking to wake up in early morning 5:00a.m. I was 租房子sleepless. The motivation was from above three lovely ladies - Sharon, 票貼Gail & VIvian. We should give an encouragement card to Vivian, I think 當鋪this is first time she gets up so early for hiking. My puppy – Q-John 酒店兼職was very happy to join the hiking team, his legs are so short, but he 酒店打工is a good hiker and runner.Early birds get the fruits. Along the 賣房子path, enjoy the pomelo trees that smell fantasticGail Tang is so 信用卡代償lovely with full of energeticThank you Sharon! Sharon took us to 花蓮民宿visit us a cozy restaurant. There’s a fine view of the mountain from 保濕面膜the cozy restaurant.

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